Wednesday, April 22, 2009

2 year pics!

We finally got Ben's 2 year pics made last week by our awesome photographer Christy! I think they are going to turn out awesome as always. You can check out a sneak peak of the pictures on her blog - click Simplicity by Christy on the right.

Monday, April 20, 2009


Ben has become a little obsessed with golf lately. We really don't know why but he just loves it. I loves watching it on TV. Everytime we drive by the golf course near our house (which is everyday because you have to drive by it to get anywhere) he says "golf, golf, golf" over and over. It is so cute. He loves to "play" golf in the driveway too! So Saturday Matt took him golfing!!! They just went to the short course near our house but they had so much fun!!!! Matt would hit the ball up on the green and get it within 1 foot of the hole and then Ben would putt it in! He loved it. He would do the "happy dance" after he hit it in! I am sure they will be going back soon.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter 2009!

We had a wonderful Easter day! It is one of my favorite holidays because we get to celebrate the most awesome event that has ever happened on the face of the Earth! The Savior is Risen!!! It is so much fun.

We got up early for Ben to check out his Easter basket. We don't really do the Easter bunny at our house but I do think it is fun to give gifts to celebrate the special day so Ben had a full basket!

We then got all dressed up in our Easter finest and went to church! Doesn't Ben look super cute!We were able to go to the early service and then to our kindergarten class that we teach. Easter is one of our favorite lessons to teach and every year we make a tomb cake for the kids. This year I made one for the class and then one for our lunch. It is a fun representation of the empty tomb and it works really well with kids. After church we went to my parents house for lunch. It was just the 5 of us so it was really low key but lots of fun. Ben had a blast playing with Granna and Grandaddy. He hunted eggs and loved it!I hope everyone had a wonderful day!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Easter Eggs

We dyed Easter eggs last night at our house. Ben had a blast and they actually turned out cute!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Fun Times!

We had another wonderful weekend!! All weekends are wonderful it seems. But this one was full of fun things! Friday night our neighbor Anna came over for the evening. Anna is 8 years old and I think she is Ben's best friend. They have such a cute relationship to be so far apart in age. They love hanging out with each other and playing! Ben cries to go over to her house. It is so cute. Since her parents had to go out she came over and spent some time with us which of course Ben loved! They played and watched movies. At the end of the night Ben curled up in her lap to fall asleep! Too cute!

Saturday morning we got up bright and early and Ben and I headed out to Birmingham for the day. We first stopped at our friends the Brenegans house. Colleen is my friend from Children's in Birmingham. She was great fun to work with and we have stayed in touch. She had a little girl Claire just after Ben was born so we try to get them together every so often. We had a fun lunch with them and got caught up. Ben actually stayed with them for the afternoon while I went to my shower. He had so much fun! They went to the park and played and played! It was great to get to see them and a big thanks to Colleen for watching Ben!!!

Here we are with Colleen and Claire right after the little ones were born.

Here they are at 1 years old!

And on Saturday! They had a blast together!

Saturday afternoon I got to help out with a shower for my friend Lisa! Lisa is a great friend from college and she is getting married in May. We are so excited for her and Kevin as they start their lives together so I was excited to get to help out in honoring her with a bridal tea! It was great to see her and catch up as well!!

It was a good and busy weekend. We survived the travel down to B'ham and back. Ben is a great traveler (portable DVD player!!) so that makes it not so bad. I am glad we got to see so many of our friends!