Monday, October 31, 2011

Vote for Kate

Kate has a new obsession (I have noticed with kids obsessions come and go quickly) - Elmo! She just loves Elmo and walks around singing the Elmo's World song all the time. A local TV station is having a contest this week and giving away tickets to the live Sesame Street show that is coming next week. It also includes backstage passes to meet the characters. Kate would love it!! So of course I had to enter her. She put on her new Elmos costume and posed for a super cute picture...

So to vote for her go to You have to enter your name and email to vote so it takes a minute but Kate sure would appreciate it!! You can only vote once per email but if you have multiple email addresses and have a minute you can use each one and vote (or even make up a few emails if you want). The contest runs through Wednesday so vote quickly!!! Thanks!!!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

A Trip to the Plains

We made a trip down to the Lovliest Village on the Plains this weekend. There is nothing better than a beautiful fall weekend in Auburn. A weekend filled with family, friends and football! So much fun. We had a great time.

We packed up and headed out Friday after work. The kids were amazing on the car ride down as always. Not a peep out of them. My brother Andrew was able to join us for the journey so that was lots of fun. We spent the night with my grandmother, GG. We had a great time at GG's house. Ben and Kate were so excited for us to meet Buddy, the neighbor's dog. Ben and Kate just love GG and she spoils them so much when they visit!
Saturday we got up and headed into Auburn. We stopped to visit awhile with my Mema who lives in Auburn. She had so much fun getting to watch the kiddos run around and give her lots of hugs. Then it was off to campus! We stopped by the Toomer's trees. They are looking so sad. It broke my heart to see how bad they were looking. I hate that this wonderful tradition is ruined.

Of course we had to pose for pictures in front of Samford Hall.

We just loved seeing all the fun tailgating going on. This was 6 hours before kickoff and it was going strong.

The kids had to pose for a picture with Aubie!

We enjoyed walking around campus with the kids. Matt and I were talking about how we used to make this walk everyday to class. It is a little different doing it carrying 2 small kiddos.

We did some browsing in the University Bookstore. Kate loved seeing all the Auburn stuff.

We checked out the new student center.

And the new banners in front of the stadium.

It sure was fun to have Uncle Andrew along!

Kate checking out the stadium.

Of course we had to go see the National Championship trophy!

And the Heisman trophy!

Then we headed out to our usual tailgating spot to meet up with the Wrights and Smiths for our annual tailgate. It was so much fun to just get to relax and hang out with our friends. The weather was beautiful.

We enjoyed some really yummy food - chips and dip and chicken fingers!

Of course we had to play a little football. No tailgate is complete without football!

The three girls had so much fun! They have grown so much since last year. We couldn't get them to sit still for a picture. They were having too much fun giving hugs! Paige and Kate.

Sweet Morgan and Kate!

Then the boys headed off to the game!!! They said it was just awesome. It is always fun when Auburn has a big win! 41-23 over Ole Miss!

Ben had a blast cheering on his team!

While the boys went to the game we went back to Jamye and Morgan's house for some playtime for the girls and some visiting time for the mamas! I always love getting to visit with Jamye and LeeAnn. It takes me back to super fun college days! Then Kate and I headed back to GG's house for Kate to get to bed.
We had a wonderful weekend and can't wait until next year's game!

Friday, October 28, 2011


I have to brag for just a minute on my little guy. He has been doing so good in school lately. He is working so hard and listening so well. I am so proud of him. He is growing up so quickly. Each day he looks so much taller and bigger to me. One day this week he got an award at school. The teacher rarely gives those out. They are for exceptional work. Ben so deserves it! I am so proud of him!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Pumpkin Carving 2011

One of our favorite things to do each fall is to carve our family pumpkin. We usually try to do it around the theme of the kiddos Halloween costumes. We had not gotten around to it this year and time is quickly running out. So last night during our family worship time we incorporated pumpkin carving into worship time. We read several passages in the Bible about how God is light and how we are to be the light of the world. We then read a fun book that talks about pumpkin carving and how it is like what God does for us. It is an awesome book...

Then it was on to pumpkin carving. The kids had a little "sword" fight prior to carving time with their scooping utensils.

Kate really got into the pumpkin carving. She loved scooping out all the junk from inside the pumpkin.

I am telling you she really scooped!

And scooped. Note Ben not coming anywhere near the yucky pumpkin gunk.

Then it was time to carve. Matt always does an amazing job and this year was no exception!

The finished product!! Our AUsome pumpkin! Gives you a little clue as to what the kiddos costumes will be.

We are really looking forward to Monday and Halloween. Hopefully the pumpkin will make it that long.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Trick or Treat at School

Today for Ben was one of those super fun days that I remember as a kid. It was trick or treat day at school. All the kids dressed up in their costumes and went trick or treating around the school. The teachers were all dressed up and it was just so much fun! Ben was so excited. I let him pick out whatever costume he wanted to wear from his dress up box (and we added lots of new fun ones this week). I figured he would choose one of his super hero ones but he went with the classic Storm Trooper. He was so excited!!! Nothing better than hanging out will all your friends all dressed up!
And a teacher dressed as Snow White is super cool!

With his best buddy Micah a.k.a. Batman!

They had a blast. Since Wednesday is our BSF day Kate didn't get to trick or treat at school but she did get to see her buddy Isaac who is celebrating his 2nd birthday today!! Happy Birthday Isaac!! Hard to believe he is 2 because that means that 3 weeks from today Kate will be 2!!! They look so thrilled in this picture!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Soccer Game!

Ben finished up his last soccer game for the season tonight. His little team the Golden Polar Sharks did very well. They really improved as the season went along and finished up winning all of the last games. Ben loved every minute of it! He loves to play and run/skip. He still is not very aggressive but he is getting better. Kate has loved cheering on her brother. She goes around yelling "SOCCER GAME and Go Ben!" It's so cute.

Here are some pictures from the last few games.