Sunday, December 11, 2011

2 Weeks And Counting...

I cannot believe that it is just 2 weeks until Christmas!! So exciting. This weekend was full of some fun Christmas activities and family time. Friday night we went over to my parent's house for dinner and to hang out. Kate enjoyed cooking with Granna.
And she discovered the art of licking the beaters.
Ben had fun goofing off with Andrew!
Saturday morning was so very low key around here!! We stayed in our PJs until around 2! It was great. In the afternoon, Ben went to a birthday party for a school buddy. He had a good time playing with all his school friends.
Saturday night we went downtown and enjoyed some beautiful Christmas lights and luminaries. Then we went to a living nativity at a church downtown. It was really sweet and the kids had alot of fun. They got to pet live sheep.
They enjoyed some yummy cookies and hot chocolate!

And did some fun crafts.
Some of our friends were even there.
It was a lot of fun. After that we drove around and looked at some more Christmas lights. It is not Christmas until we see "baby Jesus in Florida." There are some people in our neighborhood that do crazy light display with every sea creature known to man and the manger. It just cracks us up!
Lots of fun Christmas activities. Tonight Ben has his choir program at church so I can't wait to show you pictures from that.

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