Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Big Girl!!!

Our awesome Kate has been paci free for over 24 hours now!!! I can't believe it. We had not planned on getting rid of the paci yet but last night before bed we couldn't find it. So we decided to try putting her to bed without it. We laid her down and she asked for it. We said it was lost and she said ok and rolled over and went to bed. I just knew that she would wake up in the night crying. Not a peep. This morning she woke up and asked for it and I told her it was lost and she didn't mention it again. WOW!!! We went to school and she told Mrs. Patty "paci is lost." Nap this afternoon was a little rough but not too bad.
Who knew it would be that easy. We were really dreading getting rid of the paci because she was totally obsessed with it. I mean really obsessed (we had even discussed paci's anonymous). We are so impressed with our amazing little girl. I can't believe how fast she is growing up. She loves being called a big girl and that is what she is.


  1. Hope it's still going well! Kaylee spent all day yesterday and our trip to school this morning talking about Kate's paci being lost! Maybe I need to "lose" hers while she's sympathetic for Kate. :-)

  2. Yay, Kate! Break those bonds of addiction, sweet girl!
    Ashley, Kaylee & Kate could form a support group if you lose Kaylee's paci as well!
