Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas Decor

I thought I would document our Christmas decor from this year and also link up to Kelly's Korner for her Christmas Tour of Homes. I LOVE Christmas decorations!!! There is just something about it that makes our house feel so cozy and welcoming when the Christmas decorations are up. I also love it because it is a celebration of our Savior's birth and a chance to highlight that. You can see my previous post on my new Pinterest Christmas projects here.
I am not real big on outdoor decorations but I do like a nice door display. We keep it simple.
I usually go all out in the dining room. It is a fun and easy room to decorate. I do it more formal than I usually am but I guess it is the one time of the year I can be formal.
I hang fun little wreaths on the backs of my dining room chairs. Just adds an extra festive touch.
I always love to use my Christmas dishes. They are so much fun!
One of my favorite things is the Christmas balls hanging from the chandelier.
In the kitchen I put up some festive plates. This is my favorite one. I made it several years ago before we had kids and I love that we now have 4 people in the family and 4 trees!
This is the first year that I have decorated the cabinet in the breakfast room. I think it turned out really cute and I am loving having the festive look in my newly done room. This is our tree. It is pretty plain with no real theme other than our family. It is full of pictures of our family and handmade ornaments. All of the ornaments have a story which makes it so much fun to look at. Each year we do a family picture ornament in the yearly Pottery Barn frame. Hopefully soon we will have enough to have their own tree. We also do ornaments from everywhere we vacation so this year we added Alaska ornaments! The kids also get an ornament each year of whatever they are into that year. This year it is Minnie and Mickey ornaments in honor of the upcoming trip!One of the kids favorite things are the reindeer stuffed animals. They love playing with them. The one on the left is mine from when I was little. And the mantle. I am loving my joy sign. I display all the Christmas cards we get around the mantle. I enjoy being able to look at them throughout the day.
We have several nativity scenes around the house but this one is our main one on the console in the living room. It is a wonderful reminder in the middle of the house what the real reason for the season is!

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