Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Eve, Eve

We have had the most relaxing day today! I think it is so special to just enjoy the time before Christmas. I am so glad that all of our shopping is done and we can just focus on fun and the real meaning of Christmas. We did lots of baking today. I enjoyed hanging with my mom and Kelly to get some done with them this morning. Lots of cookies and other yummy goodies were made by all!This afternoon we put together our blessing baskets that we are going to deliver tomorrow night. We are so excited to continue this tradition!
Tonight after bath we loaded up in the car to go check out some Christmas lights. The kids were so cute looking at the lights. The pointed out every light they saw and would say "Kate's side" or "Ben's side." We had a blast.
Tonight they got to eat some of the super cute cookies they made at Granna's house yesterday.
Then we all got out our sleeping bags and laid next to the tree and watched Christmas movies. It was so much fun!!
It was such a great day! We are so excited for tomorrow and Christmas as we celebrate.

1 comment:

  1. I love reading about all your traditions! It reminds me of childhood!
