Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Morning 2011

Ok I have to admit (I do that alot on here) that I don't think I have ever been so excited for Christmas as I was this year!! I could not wait for the kiddos to see all their gifts and for us to just celebrate together. I was so excited when Christmas morning arrived and it did not disappoint.
Ben's presents... he got a Nerf gun (the only thing he asked for), lots of Imaginex Batman stuff, Army men stuff, Green Lantern house and some costumes!
For the past few months I had worked hard to get the kiddos a bunch of Disney movies for us to watch before our trip to Disney. I think I succeeded in getting just about all of them (if you ever want to borrow any let me know). I got them at yard sales, clearance sales and on ebay. I didn't pay more than about $8 per movie and got a total of 18! I was so excited!
Kate racked up on the baby doll stuff! She got a bed, highchair, swing and diaper bag. She also got a mixer and toaster for her kitchen and some princess dresses.
Matt and I were up early waiting on the kiddos. We were just so excited! We just sat and waited on them. Ben finally woke up at 7.
They were so excited to see all of their presents!
And to dig into their stockings!
We spent hours just playing with toys and having so much fun!Matt and I enjoyed digging into our stockings as well. I was excited to get the yearly family picture ornament. And Matt was excited about his new wallet (he needed it!)
Kate spent part of the morning dressed up as Ariel!
Me and my sweet little girl!
Then we enjoyed a yummy breakfast of coffee cake, pigs in a blanket and sausage balls!
It was then time to open the presents under the tree. Ben was so excited for Kate to open the present he got her. He wanted it to be first!
She loved the little kitty cat in the purse!
Ben loved his socker swords from Kate!
I got some of the most awesome things. I think I will write about them in another post!
Daddy (and Ben) were excited about the new Lego Wii games he got. Of course there was a HUGE mess but that is what Christmas is all about!Then we just got to play!! We had so much fun. The grandparents all came over late morning to join in on the fun. We had so much fun hanging out and enjoying all the gifts.
Everything about the mornign was just perfect! We had so much fun.

1 comment:

  1. What fun! This SO reminds me of my family! Your kids will remember things like this forever!!!
