Monday, December 5, 2011

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

We enjoyed an amazing weekend celebrating some fun Christmas activities. Friday night we had our Sunday School class party. It was a fun potluck at church. It was great to get to visit with friends and enjoy a relaxing evening. I had to get my picture with the kiddos before we went. I was rocking my new boots!I made a yummy brownie trifle to take. We enjoyed lots of yummy soups and desserts.
Saturday morning we went back up to church for the Bethlehem breakfast. It is a great morning where different characters from the Christmas story come around to each table and share a special gift. The kids had a blast. Here is Ben with a wise man.
And the kiddos meeting Mary and Joseph and baby Jesus.
The kids loved getting to play with all of their friends. They had a blast running around.
My Christmas cuties!We then went to the mall to do a little shopping. Ben found the Ninja Turtles ride! They are his current favorite characters. Saturday night the kids spent the night with Matt's parents. We were supposed to go to another Christmas party but we backed out at the last minute and enjoyed a quiet evening at home. It was great.
We are having a great time celebrating the most wonderful time of the year!

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