Friday, December 9, 2011

Clothes Battles

One of my first thoughts when we found out Ben was a boy was "boy clothes are boring but at least we wont' have fights about clothes." I just assumed that boys don't care what you put them in. I was so wrong! Ben has the biggest opinion about his clothes. It is a battle everyday as to what he will wear. There are usually lots of tears. He doesn't like long sleeved shirts or shirts with buttons or stripes. Really? That doesn't leave many options but his Batman shirt (and he would wear that everyday if I would let him).

Today there were not battles!! It was pajama day at school. All the kids wore their PJs and watched the movie Polar Express while drinking hot chocolate and eating popcorn. He had a blast. And it was a great day for me too because we didn't fight about what to wear. He just rolled out of bed and wore what he had on! Can every day be PJ day?

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