Friday, December 16, 2011

Party Day!

Today was party day at Ben and Kate's school. It was exhausting but lots of fun.
First up this morning was Kate's party. She was so excited.
Her little class is so much fun. Nothing better than a bunch of 2 year olds together.
They made reindeer hats that were so cute! Kate loved all the party food.
Kate and Kaylee loved their candy necklaces from Mrs. Patty.
Kate's teacher, Mrs. Patty, is from Mexico so she made the kids a pinata for them to hit. It was so cute to see the kiddos hitting it.
And they loved that there was candy inside!!They then played pin the nose on the reindeer. So cute!
Then it was off to Ben's class party! They had a ton of good food!
The 4 year old class was much more lively than the 2 year old class! They are so silly!!!
Ben and his buddy!
Love some cake pops!
They all traded presents. Ben had a blast opening gifts from all his friends.
It was mass chaos!
It was a fun day!! We made it through and now it is Christmas break for the next 20 days!!!

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