Monday, December 19, 2011

Santa's Village 2011

We have been able to go to Santa's Village for the past few years and always have fun. We weren't sure that we were going to go this year but last night was military night so my parent's offered to take us. We all had a blast getting to meet Santa and do all the fun activities!
There are all sorts of fun characters wondering around. Kate loved them. She is going to have so much fun at Disney!
Daddy and sweet kiddos!
The kids had fun playing in the fake snow (probably the closest we will get to a white Christmas this year).
We stood in line for an hour to see the big guy!
We finally made it to him! Kate was not sure what to think at first.
She would not smile for us but at least we got some good pictures!
Kate loved showing Santa how she was on her dress. It was so sweet!
Sweet big brother helping Kate know she was ok! Ben told Santa he wants a nerf gun. Kate wouldn't talk but Santa said he would bring her a baby doll.
Then it was off to do some cookie decorating in Mrs. Claus' kitchen.
And enjoy some yummy cookies!
What Ben remembers about Santa's Village each year is the snowmen that you can stick your head through and take pictures. It is his favorite part. We of course had to check out the flying reindeer!Fun family picture. I love it!
Making a fun craft.
It was a super fun evening. Thanks for going with us Granna and Grandaddy! We had a blast and are looking forward to a fun week full of Christmas activities.

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