Thursday, December 22, 2011

Thirty One

Yesterday I moved from just being 30 to being "in" my thirties. Yep I turned 31 yesterday. It truly was an amazing birthday! I was so blessed to be able to hang out with my sweet family all day long which was awesome. Matt took the day off and we just all hung out together. The kids were so sweet to me all day long. They kept saying "happy birthday mommy." Ben even got excited when he sat beside me at dinner because he got to sit by the birthday girl. It was so cute. I enjoyed every minute of my big day! I got to go get a pedicure in the morning. That was so wonderful and relaxing.
I got some really great gifts. Matt got me some boots and a new purse. The kids got me a fun Auburn shirt that I can't wait to wear. Matt also got me another volume of our blog book. I was so excited. They are so much fun to get.
I got to relax and watch Bones in the afternoon and then we went out to see the new Chipmunks movie (what 31 year old doesn't want to see that). After the movie we went to dinner at Cheddars. It was all so much fun! We came back home and had ice cream cake and I got sung to by my 4 favorite people. It was wonderful!
It was a great day. I was also showered with lots of messages, texts and phone calls. I love hearing from all my friends on my birthday. I really did feel the love. We get to even continue celebrating tonight with a party at my parent's house. I love dragging out birthday parties. I hope year 31 is as good as year 30!!!

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