Monday, December 26, 2011

A Very Eckley Christmas

We have had an amazing few days celebrating Christmas!! Really it has been most excellent. Very busy but also lots of down time as a family to relax and enjoy the real meaning of the season. We got to spend time with all of our family. It was all just so much fun!! I guess I will take the next couple of days to catch up on the blog and share what all we did.

All the fun started on Saturday (Christmas Eve). We went over to Matt's parent's house for our Eckley Christmas celebration. We had a wonderful breakfast together. It was all so yummy!
Brett & Joanna hanging out waiting for the main even of present opening!
Kate was busy playing with all the toys at Mema and Opa's house so we had to convince her it would be fun to come open gifts!
Gift opening!!!! We all got so many wonderful things! It is always so much fun.
You will begin to see a theme emerge in Kate's gifts. She got lots of baby doll stuff!
She also got her very own set of real golf clubs. They are pink of course.
Mema made me and Kate these super cute aprons with our names on them. So fun! We will look forward to doing some cooking together in them!
Ben loved his Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots from Aunt Joanna and Uncle Brett! He got lots of games and other fun things.
I caught Uncle Brett working on Kate's princess puzzle book.
Matt was so excited to get this awesome Keurig coffee machine!!! We have been brewing coffee and other fun drinks since Saturday.
We had such a good time spending time with the Eckley family! It was a great way to kick off the Christmas celebrating.

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