Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Christmas Gifts Revisited

I thought I would take a quick journey back to Christmas today. My sweet hubby had the best idea at Christmas regarding his gifts for me. All of the gifts he picked out for me (besides just being great) supported causes that I would like to support. I thought that was a great idea! At a time when so much of the focus is on getting things he made sure the things were also supporting causes that I would think were important. Here are the great things he got for me...

Aren't these juice glasses beautiful!!!
I just love them. They are hand painted by women who have been rescued out of the slave trade in India! Also part of the proceeds from the items go to support people who are pursuing international adoptions. They are from Noonday Collection. They have some beautiful things so if you are looking for a great gift I would highly recommend them.

Who doesn't love a fun watch???
I think it is so cute and I love pink!! I am sure you will see me sporting it in pictures soon. And best of all it is from Hello Somebody and supported Africa New Life Ministries. You know we have a very special place in our heart for them as that is who Matt worked with in Rwanda. The work they do in that country is just amazing! If you need a fun new watch I highly recommend checking them out.

I have loved wearing this new necklace...
It is from Blue Spirit Jewelry. The owner is an Auburn grad and she designed this beautiful Toomer's Oak charm. A portion of the sale went to support the Toomer's tree fund. I love wearing the special reminder of Auburn around my neck!

I love fun new shirts and this one is awesome...
It comes from Love 41 which is an amazing company. Take the time to read their story. It is truly inspiring. 100% of their profits go to support projects in Africa including Africa New Life Ministries! How wonderful. And I totally love the shirt!

Hope you enjoyed seeing all my great gifts. Matt did a great job picking them out and they are so special!

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