Monday, January 23, 2012

Kate's First Black Eye

I like to call Kate our little monkey. She is a crazy girl who loves to climb and do crazy things! It has so surprised me that we have not had any major accidents before last night! She took a tumble off the chair into the corner of our sofa table. Caught her right in the eye.
It puffed right up and turned blue. Nasty looking!
Ben got his first black eye at 12 months so Kate more than doubled him.
Kate has also started this funny thing that she says. I guess it is the age and being super possessive. She grabs anything and very meanly says "mine" all while glaring at you. It makes me laugh. It is usually over things that no one else even wants. Like her apple slice - "my apple" with a mean glare. Believe me baby I don't want your apple! Here she was saying "my cup."
My favorite was the other day when Matt waved at someone he knew and Kate grabbed his leg and said "my dad." All glaring and being mean! Too funny because no one was going to take her daddy.
Love this sweet little girl - black eye and all!

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