Wednesday, January 11, 2012

She's All 2!

I guess we have hit the "terrible 2's" here at the Eckley house! (Although if you ask Kate how old she is she will tell you 5.) We had been rocking along ok but in the last few weeks Miss Kate has really decided to make life difficult. It is a fun challenge to figure out how to deal with it. She looks so sweet and innocent...
But believe me she can turn on a dime! She has a little temper. She will be playing all happy one minute and then the next minute it is like she becomes possessed. With that has come biting. So far that has been reserved for her brother and best friends but it worries me. She can turn at any minute on anyone so beware! We are dealing with the typical toddler issues of sharing and not always getting your way every time. When things don't go her way there is the wonderful tantrum.
First she has to look around and make sure someone is paying attention to her tantrum...
Then is the process of throwing herself on the floor...
And curling into a ball. Screaming for no particular reason...
Oh the joys!! The best is when it occurs in a public place like say Walmart. My favorite is the lady who stopped and tried to console Kate (who was laying on the floor in Walmart). Kate was not the one who needed consoling.
Fun times!! Really it doesn't last too long and it is just part of training up children. This sweet (sort of cheesy) face makes it all worth it!

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