Thursday, August 29, 2013


I think we are finally starting to settle into our new routine of school.  It is different this year with Kate going all 5 days (although she doesn't always go - we play hooky lots like we did today).  I am also trying to increase my work hours some.  I know it will take a few weeks but we are getting there with our new "normal" routine.  

This week all the "extras" kicked into high gear.   I got to go to Kate's second dance class.  It was so much fun to watch!  She loves every minute of the dancing and tumbling.  She does her own thing at times but it so cute!  This girl was made for dance!

 Ben started back to soccer this week as well.  He has moved up a league so it is a little more intense.  His coach is really good which is great.  He has them doing homework and earning patches so Matt and Ben have been out practicing every night.  

Love that the kiddos get to participate in such fun activities.  It is hectic at times but wouldn't trade it for anything!!

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