Friday, August 30, 2013

New Things Around The House

Before I get into the new stuff I just have to say War Eagle!!  College football officially kicked off last night and we are excited.  It is always nice on Fridays in the fall because everyone knows exactly what to wear - Auburn clothes!!  So fun to see my little cuties in their orange this morning!
 Kate and I were excited to have matching Auburn pocket t's that Mema made us!  We love them!  We are hoping this year's football season is better than last years.
 Now on to the new stuff...  About a year ago Paige and I were at a yard sale where the lady had a cute chalkboard.  We asked her how she made it and she said she just painted an old mirror.  We have been saying for a year we wanted to do this project. It just took us a while but we finally did it.  I wish I had a full before picture but this is a mirror that my mom found on the side of the road.  It was perfect for the project.  Imagine it was back instead of green.  All I had to do was paint the wood part green and paint the mirror park with chalkboard paint.
 And here is the finished product!!  I love it.  It will be so fun to have it as you walk into the kitchen.  I plan to use it for verses or menus or other random things.
 My other new project was to update my mantle.  I had this old mirror that I decided to use.  I made a burlap wreath to put on it.  I am loving the fun chevron burlap ribbon.
 I am not totally done with the mantle redo but I am really liking the updated look.  I just needed something new I think.  I love a fun new project.
Well that's what's new around our house!  Excited for a fun weekend of football and relaxing!!

1 comment:

  1. Emily,

    You are so talented!! I love what you have done. BTW, I'm praising God for the test results yesterday.

