Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A Boring Work Post

So today I am working all day.  That is a new thing I have started doing on Tuesdays.  It allows me to limit my work days as much as possible by getting it all done in one day.  That being said my Tuesdays are really boring because all I do is work.  So I was trying to think of something to blog about and I thought I would blog about work.  I know that is a boring subject but I thought maybe one day my kids would like to read about what I did at work back when they were young.  So here goes...

I feel so blessed to have the job that I do.  Really if you had asked me 10 years ago when I graduated from Auburn what kind of job I wanted I would have told you exactly what I am doing now.  It is a really fun job but also a super flexible job that allows me to be a mom first and foremost!  I work as a pediatric dietitian for Children's of Alabama.  The main hospital is in Birmingham but I work at the Huntsville clinic.  Pediatricians in the North Alabama area refer patients to me when they need nutritional help.  I schedule the appointments when is good for me and I see them.  It is a great because I can set my own hours and also have a lot of autonomy in what I do (it helps when your boss is 2 hours away). 

So what do I do all day when I work?  I mainly just do counseling with kids who have nutritional issues.  This can range from overweight (the majority of what I do) to underweight to allergies to really cool random stuff (my favorite).  I love my job because it is mainly counseling kids and their parents.  It is challenging and really rewarding.  I spend a lot of time talking about food and eating which is always cool!  I get to play with food models and hand out lots of papers. 
Another really not so exciting part of my job is how much time I spend on the computer writing notes and doing tons of paper work.  The part that's not my favorite.  I also spend lots of time on the phone making calls to set up appointments.  Could do without this part of my job but that's life. 

I consider it such a joy that I get to do a job that I love and also that I can help people.  I am always excited when I get to put on my work "hat" and be "professional Emily."  But then so thankful when I get to go home and just be mom! 

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