Wednesday, September 4, 2013

A Good Report

Today was a day we had been looking forward to but also dreading at the same time.  My dad had his mid chemo scans last Friday and he was to get the results back this morning.  We knew that the chemo was working based on how he was feeling and his numbers but it is still scary to get actual results.  He got a great report.  His liver lesion is down 80% and his lymph nodes are down 75%.  God is so good!!!  The doctor even used the words "never seen it this good before."  We know the reason why - we have a perfect Physician.  Praising our Great God for His works!!  I was glad I got to hang out with my dad during chemo today.  It was a good day!  I still struggle with getting overwhelmed at times but know that with God all things are possible.  Taking it one day at a time...

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