Thursday, September 26, 2013

Bags of Blessings

The biggest thing that convicted me over the weekend at dotMom was the thought that we really need to involve our kids in service.  Teaching them about Jesus is awesome but we have to really show them what Jesus did and would do.  Through service we can really show our children the heart of Jesus.  I began praying for opportunities to really share the heart of Jesus with the kiddos through service.  Of course God dropped an awesome opportunity right in my lap.  The Care Center that is right down the road from us has a great ministry where they provide food bags to children on Friday afternoons as they leave school.  These are children who might not have any other food over the weekend.  It is just amazing to me that just a few miles away from us are families in this situation.  The Care Center provides so many opportunities for sharing with these family.  

Ben and I were able to go last night and pack "Bags of Blessings."  It was tons of fun!  There were about 30 people there and we had 2 assembly lines going packing the bags with snacks and food.    

 Ben did an amazing job helping.  We were in charge of closing up the bags and putting them in bins.  Ben helped me tons and really worked hard.  It was not an easy job!
 In about an hour we packed 1,500 bags for the month.  So amazing that there are so many people in need.
 I am so thankful that Ben and I had the opportunity to do this together.  On the way home we were talking about how when we feed or help people we are helping Jesus.  I loved being able to provide a tangible example of the gospel.  I pray that it helps make it very real in his life!

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