Monday, September 23, 2013

dotMom Weekend

This weekend I had the privilege of getting away with my two lifelong friends to head to Chattanooga to attend the dotMom conference.  It was amazing!!  Such a wonderful time of encouragement.  Just what this mama needed.  It was great to get into the Word and hear exactly what God has called me to as a mom entrusted with His precious children.  I learned so much I am looking forward to putting into practice.  It was great to get to worship and spend time praying.  
 One of the best parts of the whole weekend with the time I got to spend with my special friends!  We laughed and laughed.  After a couple of very hard months it was so good to get away and laugh..  I am so thankful for their friendship throughout the years.  We talked through some tough issues but also had a ton of fun.  We ate and we ate and we ate!  Friday night we had to take a detour..
 To the City Cafe to get these amazing desserts.  There is nothing better than girl time with chocolate cake!!  I am so thankful for the opportunity to get away!!!
 Matt did an awesome job holding down the fort while I was gone!!  I came home to happy kids (who I don't even think missed me) along with all the laundry being done.  It was awesome!!  He is a keeper!!  We got home late Saturday night and all the guys and kids were hanging out watching the Auburn game.  How cool is it that our kids are such good friends.  What if these 3 girls go to dotMom together one day?
Sunday we had an amazing morning of worship that went along exactly with what I learned at the conference.  Love when God confirms things for me!  The weather turned beautiful over the weekend - almost fall like.  We wanted to get out and enjoy it.  We headed up to the state park and enjoyed some playground time.  
 And some hiking.  It was so much fun.  Great to get to spend some time with my sweet family and to love on them.

Thank you Lord for a wonderful weekend!!!!

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