Tuesday, September 24, 2013

First Grade Update

Well it has been a little over a month and we are starting to feel settled into our routine.  This guy is really doing well in first grade!  We are so proud of him.  
 At first he wasn't so sure about it.  He came home most days saying it wasn't much fun and they had to learn too much but he is really starting to like it.  His favorite subject is science and he just loves doing science lessons on the computer.  He also really likes math (think he might be an engineer??).  His reading skills have increased dramatically over the past few weeks.  It has been so amazing to watch him become a confident reader!  We spend about 30 minutes reading each night and he just keeps getting better and better.  I am so proud of how hard he is working.  He loves taking his Accelerated Reader tests each day at school.  He got 10 points last week so he got a necklace and charm.  We are spending lots of time each night doing homework.  It is a little overwhelming and hard to fit in but we are making it!

One of my favorite things is that he can now read to Kate!  She asks him to read princess books and he happily complies.  Such a sweet big brother.

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