Monday, September 30, 2013

I'm A Bad Blogger

So I have been a really bad blogger in the month of September.  My goal is to do a minimum of 20 blogs per month.  Most months I go over that but I want to at least hit 20.  Here it is the last day of the month and I am only at 17. The month has just flown by and we have been so busy.  That is what I am going to blame.   I think that is the first time that has happened in quite a while.  So I guess I will quickly write 3 posts to hit 20! 

First up a quick weekend wrap up...  It was a super low key weekend!!  Just lots of relaxing and hanging out.  It was nice.  Saturday morning the kids tried coffee (well it was mainly milk with just a little bit of coffee).  I thought this picture of Kate was cute even if it is a little blurry.  She looks all grown up with her coffee cup.  
 The only big activity of the weekend was a soccer game for Ben on Saturday morning.  He played an awesome game.  He actually scored a goal!!!!!!!!!  It was awesome.  His buddy Evan passed him the ball and he kicked it right in!  We were all so excited for him.  He has really improved so much this year in soccer.  It was a great moment!
Saturday afternoon Ben went to a fishing birthday party for Evan which he loved.  The rest of us just hung out and watched some football.  Glad to have a week off from Auburn playing.  That makes watching much more enjoyable.

Sunday we enjoyed a great day at church including trying out a new life group and learning to ride a bike for Ben.  Lots of fun!!

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