Monday, September 2, 2013

Labor Day Weekend

We had the best Labor Day weekend.  It was so wonderful because we did a lot of NOTHING!!  After a couple of really busy weeks it was nice to kick back and have nothing on the calendar.  Friday night the kids spent the night with my parents and they had a blast as always! Love this picture of them curled up with my dad watching a movie

 Matt and I enjoyed at stay at home date.  We ordered in food and watched a movie.  It was just lovely.  Nothing beats going to bed early on a Friday night.  Saturday Ben had soccer practice and it was miserably hot so we had to cool off at the pool.  It was nice to get in one last pool trip for the year.  They had a DJ playing music so Ben and some of his buddies spent more time dancing than swimming.  
 Kate was worn out from the swimming and fell fast asleep before the game.  So sweet.  I know this won't happen much longer so I enjoyed her sleeping on me.
 We were all super excited about the first game!  It is not football season until you make a dip to eat so I made Chili's cheese dip.  It was yummy and we all ate it up!
 Kate was a great cheerleader during the game.
 Ben really got into the football game and watched the majority of the game.  Matt and I were glad he enjoys football as much as we do!  It was nice for Auburn to come out with the first win of the season.  Just hoping things continue to go well and go better than last year.
 Saturday night we headed up to the neighborhood pool for some fireworks.  The 4th of July fireworks got rained out so they postponed them to this weekend.  They were really great and loud!  It was a fun part of the weekend.
 Sunday we went to church and then just chilled.  It was wonderful.  Ben has really gotten into watching Chopped on the Food Network so we watched Food Network all night.  He had this fun fortune in his fortune cookie at dinner.  We are hoping this comes true!
Matt had to work today so our Labor Day wasn't anything special but we did have breakfast with my parents and grilled out tonight.  We just enjoyed not having to do the regular school schedule for the day!

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