Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Oscar The Scaregrouch

So I gave you a little tease a couple of weeks ago of a special project that we worked on with the Cabra family.  Without further ado here it is...
 We made a scarecrow for the Huntsville Botanical Gardens Scarecrow Trail.  We have been to the trail for the last few years and always enjoyed it.  Ashley had the smart idea for us to do one this year.  We decided it would be a fun project to take on.  The theme this year is TV.  We had a hard time coming up with an idea but when we hit on Oscar we knew we had a winner!  We all enjoyed working together to come up with the awesome Oscar.  Ashley and I went and took him to the gardens last week.  The workers just loved him!  We actually got a call asking if they could move him to the very front of the gardens since he was such a hit!  Of course they could!!  The kids really wanted to go see Oscar so we went and visited him on Sunday.  He looks awesome right out front!!
 So cool to see our nameplate.
Our family with Oscar!  We are so excited with how he turned out.  We can't wait to do it again next year.  Already thinking up ideas.  

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