Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Fun Run

Our family of non-runners is quickly becoming one of runners.  Today Ben ran in the Huntsville Hospital Fun Run.  He has been excited all week about it.  This was the 35th year of it.  That means it has been around since I was little and I ran in this race way back in the day.  It was fun to carry on the tradition!  It is always a crazy event with lot of people.  Ben and Kate enjoyed doing some warm ups before the race.  
 We ran into Evan right before the race started so they got to run together.
 Kate enjoyed watching and cheering Ben on.  She said she wants to run next year.
 Love this picture right before the race started!  He was ready.
 And they were off...
 We walked down and were able to see him about 1/2 way through the race.  He was doing great.  We had gone out for a run earlier in the week and worked on pacing and walking when he needed to but he said he ran the whole thing.
 We then moved over to the finish line.  It was so fun to cheer him on as he finished!
 He crossed the finish line at 10:42.  That's pretty good for a little guy (hey that's pretty good for anyone.  I don't know if I have ever run a mile that fast.)  I asked him if he wanted to do it again next year and he said "No way."  I don't know if he is quite ready to be a full time runner.
 He loved all the "swag" he got - sunglasses, Gatorade, a ribbon and a t shirt!  Makes all the running worth it!

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