Friday, September 6, 2013

Wrapping Up The Week

We have had another crazy, busy week.  I guess I am finally coming to realize this is just the way it is going to be.  Not a bad thing.  Matt had to work the "swing shift" this week at work so he went in a little later than usual but also had to work late.  It was nice to have him home in the morning but we missed him in the evening.  Tuesday we had both dance and soccer so I did a bunch of running around.  The kiddos both love their activities!
 I have also been up at Ben's school a bunch the last few weeks.  I am a first grade room mom which is a big job!  On Wednesday I had to do Wednesday folders.  Kate enjoyed a library book while I did the folders.
 I had to take a picture of Ben's self portrait outside his classroom.  So cute!
 Our week has also been full of homework.  We are having to adjust to lots of work each evening.  Our school system does all digital curriculum so Ben has to use the computer each night to do his homework.  Ben is doing great and I'm impressed with his computer skills.
 This has nothing to do with us but this is the cutest little red head!!  I enjoyed seeing him a couple of times this week.
 Yesterday we were tired of not seeing Matt for dinner so we went and ate at the hospital cafeteria.  It was nice to have a family dinner together even if it was in the hospital.
We are all glad the week is winding down.  Excited to move on to the weekend!

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