Monday, May 31, 2010
Holiday Weekend???
Posted by Emily at 4:27 PM 1 comments
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Public Service Announcements from the Eckleys
Happy Thursday! When I was in college Thursday was always our favorite night of the week. It was almost Friday and we would always have a girls night and get together to watch Thursday night TV. Fun times! Anyways - we had a good day today. A fun play date with some new friends and then some family time tonight. Always good!
Just thought I would share some good reminders with everyone...
Make sure you bolt your furniture to the wall! I walked into Ben's room yesterday and found him doing this. So glad his dresser is bolted to the wall!!
And a reminder to all those boys out there from Kate...
Posted by Emily at 9:32 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Following "the Rules"
After 2 days of being stuck in the house potty training, we finally left the house today. Not for anything exciting mind you. It was for Kate's 6 month doctor's appointment. It went great. She weighed 13 pound 15 ounces (yes that is down from 2 weeks ago when I weighed her - not sure why. We are praying it is not a problem) and was 25.5 inches long. Weight was 10th%ile and height was 35%ile. She is meeting all her milestones plus some. The doctor said her sitting up was that of a 7 and a half month old. I think they just make that stuff up. Really what is different in how a 6 month old sits up and how a 7 month old sits up? He said she looked awesome and to keep doing what we were doing. We then went to visit Matt at work for lunch. That was fun. It was Kate's first trip to daddy's work. He loved showing her off to all the nurses and pharmacists. Both kiddos loved the attention!
So the doctor's visit today brought up and interesting thought for me... following "the rules." I have had this conversation with several friends lately. When it comes to babies do you do what the doctors and the books tell you or do you do your own thing. I have always considered myself a rule follower but I have found as a parent I am not. I sort of do my own thing. Like today the doctor said not to give Kate table foods until she was 9 months old. Well we have already been giving her some really soft table foods and will continue to. Is it bad that I don't follow "the rules"? Are you a rule follower? Do I care that I don't follow all the rules out there? Deep thoughts for a Wednesday night!
Oh - I just have to share. Matt showed me the funniest blog today.
We have been laughing all night at so many of the posts. You have to check it out!
Posted by Emily at 8:33 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Summer To Do List
I am a compulsive list maker. I admit it I have a problem!! I still think about the fact that on my "to do" list before Kate was born so many things didn't get done because she came early. I get such satisfaction out of marking things off my list. That being said I have a list of things that I want to get done this summer. Here they are in no particular order...1. The first and foremost thing is POTTY TRAINING. If you have been reading the blog for long you will remember that was also on last summer's list. Yep in July we will hit the 1 year mark at this wonderful potty training adventure. I think I might possibly lose my mind over this. I really don't think there is anything harder in the world than training a strong willed 3 year old boy who has no interest in the potty how to go to the potty. We have literally tried everything "in the book" - rewards (no interest - he says he has everything and needs nothing), punishment (he now has all of his toys put up and is not allowed to watch TV). Nothing is working. We are almost there but still have a little ways to go. The next 2 weeks I have devoted to nothing but this. Today I thought I was going to kill the little guy but we made it through. And I WILL win!!! The above picture is what our bathroom looks like right now. We literally spend hours in there each day!
Posted by Emily at 3:16 PM 4 comments
Monday, May 24, 2010
High Temp Weekend
We had another great weekend around the Eckley house. It was full of high temps! Yesterday there was a new record high temperature outside of 95 degrees. I think we are in for along hot summer!! Kate also ran a temp on Saturday of 102 (not a record for her that would be 104 a couple of months ago). Poor thing has the worst allergies. Anytime we go outside she starts sneezing and gets red eyes. Then the next day she is all stuffy and snotty. Then she gets a cough. I don't know why she ran the fever Saturday but I am sure it has to do with the allergies. Does anyone have any good suggestions on how to deal with the baby allergies?
Friday night we hung out with my family at Kelly and Andrew's new house. Kelly fixed an awesome dinner with asparagus chicken! Yummy!!! Matt had to work on Saturday (booo!!). So the kids and I got up early (well we get up early everyday) and joined my mom for some yard sales. It was Kate's first yard saleing adventure. We got some awesome clothes for me and a few fun things for the kids along the way. I love yard sales! Saturday afternoon is when Kate came down with the fever so we had to cancel our plans with the Mobleys (sorry guys we hate we had to miss dinner). Sunday Kate and I stayed home from church since she had the fever the day before (although she was fever free except for 2 hours on Saturday). I got lots done while the boys were at church. Then I went to a wedding shower. When I got home it was 95 degrees outside so we thought it was time to bust out the baby pool! The kids had a blast playing in it for a couple of hours. Kate loved standing in the water. She wasn't too excited about sitting because it was really cold. Ben loved every minute of it. Our neighborhood pool opens on Friday and we are so excited!! We are planning on spending most of the summer swimming! We had a great weekend even with the high temps.
Posted by Emily at 10:14 AM 2 comments
Friday, May 21, 2010
Schools Out for the Summer!!
Today was Ben's last day of school for the year. SAD!!! Ben LOVES school and is going to miss it so much (and so is mommy). He has had a wonderful year in his 2 year old class. He has learned learned so many wonderful things. He will just start singing a song and I will ask him where he learned it and he will say " at school." They did art projects everyday and learned letters and numbers. So great! And he had so many wonderful friends at school. His best buddy that he talked about everyday was Derek (although they must have had a falling out today because I asked him if he wanted to see Derek some over the summer and he said "No we are not friends any more. I am now friends with Turner." Don't know what that was about). I am so glad he has had the opportunity to go to "school." Now to just survive the summer. We will be looking forward to the 2nd week in August when school starts back. He will be going to preschool (if we can finish potty training). This summer we are lining up baby sitters to help us out so I can still work. It will be a fun summer.
Kate and I enjoyed our last day alone as well. She has been coming with me to work every couple of weeks when I have needed to catch up on paper work. She is happy to sit and play in her seat while I work which is awesome. It gives me a couple of hours to get caught up at work. So we did that today. She is going to be starting school in the fall. She will be going 1 day a week. I have been slow to start her for some reason. Ben started when he was 5 months old and she will be 10 months old. I guess I am a little overprotective of her.
Here she is helping me at work today.
Posted by Emily at 2:46 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 20, 2010
A Couple of Crazy Kids!!
Just wanted to share a few pictures of my wonderful kiddos just being themselves. They are awesome (I don't think I could ever say that enough). Sure there are days when it is rough being a mom but they make it all worth it!!
Posted by Emily at 3:05 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Mother's Day Gifts
Happy Wednesday to everyone!! Hard to believe the week is half over already. It is flying by. I am working 3 days this week so that is probably why it is going so fast. We also spent an hour and a half waiting at the surgeon's office yesterday for a follow up appointment for Ben. That will make a mom go crazy quickly! Not a child friendly office so it was a long day for a 2 minute appointment. Anyway - Ben is at school today enjoying his last Wednesday for the year so Kate and I are at home enjoying the quiet for the last time.
I thought I would share my wonderful Mother's Day gifts that I got and just finished putting up. I have had a plan for a while of some things that I wanted to get to update my entryway and living room so Mother's Day was a good excuse to get them...
Posted by Emily at 9:50 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
We have spent the last couple of evenings helping Kelly and Andrew get moved into their new house!! Super exciting to have them back around. Sunday night we helped to load up a few more things in the moving truck and then last night we helped to unpack some boxes at the new house and get some things settled. It is starting to look good. Here are some pictures from "the move."
Posted by Emily at 8:10 AM 1 comments