Monday, March 16, 2009

Another Wonderful Weekend!

We had another great weekend!! And it was a really long one. We headed out early Thursday morning for our trip. We stopped in Birmingham to take Ben to the eye doctor. We got some good news there that I will update you on later in the week. We also got to see our friend Amanda Wunderlich and meet little Emma which was fun. Then it was on to Mobile!

We were headed down to see our friends Brad and LeeAnn. They moved to Daphne this past summer and we have missed them like crazy. We have been wanting to go down and see them for such a long time and were glad to finally have the opportunity. We have been friends with them forever (and I mean that!) LeeAnn and I have known each other since we were like 5. They are just the type of friends that are always there for you no matter what and even though we live far apart now our friendship hasn't changed! We love just hanging out with them and that is all we did all weekend. We just got to hang out and visit and have tons of fun!! We also ate lots and lots!! It was so much fun. Here are some of the highlight...

The guys went golfing and the girls (& Ben) went to downtown Fairhope and went shopping! It was really neat and we had lots of fun checking out the little shops.
We went to a toy store that I remember as a kid. My family lived in Daphne when I was 2-4 years old so some of my very first memories are from down there and this toy store was one of the things I remember. I couldn't wait to take Ben back there. And he loved it of course!!

We went down to the Fairhope "beach" to see what Ben would think of it. He hated it of course! We are going to have some fun times at the beach and on our cruise. He did like walking on the pier with LeeAnn.
LeeAnn and Brad have 2 sweet dogs (Ellie & Madi). Ben had a blast playing with them. He liked petting them and brushing them. But his favorite thing was playing in their cage. I may have to get one for him.

And of course we did our favorite thing... play games!! Lots and lots of games. We stayed up until 1 am all 3 nights playing games and laughing!

We went to the Bass Pro Shop on Friday night. Here are the guys trying out the shooting gallery.

Ben and the fish at the Bass Pro Shop
Just a cute one of Ben with all their Mardi Gras beads.

As you can see we had a great time. We miss them so much and can't wait to go back! You can check out their blog (The Wright Family) for more pictures and stories from the weekend.

1 comment:

  1. So fun. I love to play games too! And, I didn't know that Matt golfed.

    Ben Amos
