Monday, March 9, 2009

AWESOME weekend!!

We had a wonderful weekend! It was just full of fun things. Friday night Matt went to play Axis & Allies with some of his friends (what he loves to do). Ben and I had movie night (what Ben loves to do) and I got to do some scrapbooking (what I love to do!) So we were all happy.

Saturday we went to breakfast at Panera which we hadn't gotten to do in a long time. We also went shopping for a mattress for Ben's big boy bed! We came home and the weather was just wonderful so Matt cleaned out the garage while Ben played!! Fun stuff! Ben took a great nap and then he had a birthday party to go to which is always fun. Saturday night Ben spent the night at Granna & Grandaddy's while we went out! We ate a Surin (our favorite restaurant) and then went to the Broadway Theater League. We saw the 25th Annual Putman County Spelling Bee which is hilarious!!! So it was great to have a night out.

Sunday we went to church. Ben went to Granna & Grandaddy's church which he loved. We were late to church like we always are when we don't have Ben. With him we are early because we give ourselves more time but when it is just the 2 of us we are late! Oh well. We met up with my parents for lunch and then my mom, sister-in-law and I went shopping!! We were looking for fun summer clothes for our cruise. Kelly is in town for the week since it is her spring break so it was fun to get to see her (even without Andrew). We then had a little birthday party for Ben with Kelly since they weren't here for the big party.

Overall it was a great weekend! Lots of fun! This week looks like it is going to be fun too! We are here until Thursday (which means it will be busy trying to get everything done) and then we are heading down to Mobile to visit Brad and LeeAnn. We are excited!

Ben playing outside! He loved flying his new kite!

Discovering the joy of Auburn shakers!

Ben & Aunt Kelly!

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