Sunday, March 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Ben!!!!

It is so hard to believe that it has been 2 years since the little guy was born. We say often that it goes by so quickly but at the same time we don't remember much of life before him. He is such a joy and each and everyday he is growing and learning so much! I will post more later on what all he is up to lately for recording sake but I know everyone is dying to see pictures from the party!!!

The party was so much fun! Ben did great. He loved having all of his friends over to his house. He met each of them at the door with a hug (usually) and was a sweet boy. We had 6 of Ben's little friends over for a train b'day party(read the Hancock family blog for why it was not 7 : ). They had so much fun playing trains, eating, opening presents, and doing the pinata! It was great! I don't even know where to start with the pictures because we took so many but here are some of my favorites.

Some of the decorations. I love birthday parties so I may have gone a little overboard with the decorating! I wanted to make it festive. Thanks to Kyle and Candace for coming over and helping decorate Friday night! You guys are awesome!

So my "thing" for the year was cakes so I made the cake. It took way to long and was not fun but I think it turned out great!! Ben loved it and brought all his friends to see it when they walked in the door.

Close up of the little train cakes that the kids got to eat!

The Birthday Boy!

The kids got to paint wooden trains which they loved of course.

The best party of the party - playing trains! We borrowed a neighbors train table so we had 2 tables for them to play with. I think the boys could have played for hours!

Lunchtime - hot dogs, chips and grapes! Ymmm! The kids were all so sweet. They sat together and did great.

Blowing out the candles. Ben had been looking forward to this moment for about a month. Anytime we asked him what he was going to do at his party he would blow out the candles. So he was excited for the big moment!

Enjoying his cake - the rock candy picture is for you Aunt Kelly!

Handy Manny from Great Grandma Eckley was a hit with all the kids.

Ben was not to into opening presents. So most of the kids just opened the one that they brought. All of them wanted to open the presents! Ben was happy with the first one he opened so he didn't need any more.

Yes we gave 2 year olds a golf club to hit the pinata with. They loved it!!

And they quickly got the candy!!

Playing with the balloons after the party!

Granna & Grandaddy with Ben

Opa & Mema with Ben (we missed all our aunts and uncles!)

Mom & Dad with the 2 year old!

After the party the 3 of us went to Rosies (good Mexican!) for dinner since it is Ben's favorite place to eat. Then today on his real birthday we had a low key day. He got to open a present this morning and then we went to church.

This afternoon he got to open more presents and play, play play! The little guy is all worn out!! It was a wonderful birthday weekend!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun party!!! You did great on the cake and decorations! What fun!!!!
    The boys went crazy when they saw Handy Manny in the pics!!
    Happy Birthday Ben!!!!
