Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Divine Appointments

Over the past couple of weeks God has really been dealing with me on following His guidance. Just giving it all over to Him and allowing Him to do His work. He has it all worked out I just have to get out of the way! He taught me the lesson in a big way a couple of weeks ago through a "divine appointment."

It was a Thursday morning and our new preschool director at church had started a special music time for preschoolers. It was starting at 8:15. Thursdays are one of our few days where we usually don't have much going on so the thought of getting up and going by that early just wasn't sitting well with me. But for some reason I made myself go. I just felt like we needed to go. There was a reason!! While we were there I met another mom who was new to town. They had just moved here a couple of months ago and in those couple of months have been through some really hard things. She was put on bed rest for early labor and then had a baby girl in January. They didn't know anything was wrong but she was born with some issues (similar to Kate's story). Through all this they are brand new to town and know no one. They had visited our church one time and thankfully our preschool director invited her and her 2 year old to this music time. We hit it off and began talking. Turns out she is also a pediatric dietitian (considering before her there were only 2 in town that is a big thing). So it was so cool. I really do believe God knew I needed to be there that morning even though I didn't want to be.

Since that time we have emailed back and forth and their family was able to come over to have dinner with us this past weekend. It was a wonderful time. We had so much in common. I know that God truly did set it up for us to meet. Please be praying for this family as their little baby is going to be having surgery in the next couple of months. I pray that we can continue to grow a friendship that was started from a divine appointment. Once again it just shows how I need to give it up and just follow His leading!
I know none of you come to the blog to read my ramblings so here are some pictures just to satisfy...
Ben laying on the coffee table watching some TV.

Playtime with daddy when he got home with work. Poor Kate she is only going to know superheroes and dinosaurs.

Sweet Kate laughing! I thought she looked cute today in her green overalls. I am so used to seeing her in pink that when she doesn't wear it I have a hard time getting used to it.


  1. I had something very similar happen to me lately. God's timing is perfect! It just amazes me what He can do in our lives if we will just let Him lead us! That's so great you were able to meet her and help her through this time!

  2. That's a great story Emily! I've had things like that happen before too. I love how God does these things to show us that he's really paying attention to each of our unique situations!

  3. Love hearing the recount of God's divine appointment. Helps me to be more aware of His Spirit speaking.

    And I love her in the green... I always sought out other colors than pink for BB. It's fun to see them in a variety.
