Thursday, March 18, 2010

Not Much To Say Today

I can't believe it is already Thursday! Where has the week gone? I was dreading this week because it was spring break and we were going to be out of our regular routine. But it has gone so well. It has been busy but great. Lots of fun playdates. I have also worked more than I have since Kate has been born so that has kept me busy! It has been good. Nothing really exciting to write about today so I thought I would share 2 fun things from today.

This morning Ben and I made smoothies for breakfast. I continue to struggle with what to fix him for breakfast so I thought I would try a smoothie. I just did yogurt, milk and some frozen fruit. He loved it!! Something new on the breakfast menu!

Tonight Miss Kate made her first Sonic run!! I can't believe it has taken this long. Ben's first Sonic run was in week 1 of life. We have really been watching what we have been eating so not many Sonic runs these days. Tonight we just felt like we all needed a "pick up" so off we went!! Fun times!!! Everyone was happy for a Sonic run!

"The LORD your God is with you,
he is mighty to save.
He will take great delight in you,
he will quiet you with his love,
he will rejoice over you with singing."
Zephaniah 3:17
Matt and I have been memorizing a scripture (or 2 or 3) each week this year. It is amazing how fast they add up! Anyway this is this weeks verse and I just love it!! Today in the middle of 2 crying kiddos I thought about God quieting me with His love! Then the crying didn't seem so loud! Just thought I would share. (so maybe the title doesn't fit now because I had more to say than I thought!)
Happy Thursday!!


  1. What a beautiful Bible verse, thanks for sharing it! I think it is a great one for moms to memorize :). ~Jess
