Monday, March 8, 2010

Thank You Lord for Spring!!!

The title pretty much sums up my prayer for today!! It was a rough morning. Everyone was just in a bad mood. Lots of crying and whining. I was trying to get some things done around the house but I gave up and said "OUTSIDE!!!" Oh my goodness every one's attitudes changed in a minute (even mine). It is beautiful outside today. I literally drug everyone to the park crying but after 30 seconds it was all smiles and laughs. We had a great time at the park. Then we came home and ate lunch outside and played some more. It has been the longest winter and I am so glad spring is finally here!!!!!!!!

Kate sure did enjoy the sunshine and eating outside.
Ben had fun playing in the backyard and with his sand table.
We even got out the Easter decorations and had fun hiding eggs around the house. Here is Ben being funny with some eggs.
To celebrate the good weather I decorated for spring/Easter. I love this time of year.

Also - I wrote an article a couple of months ago for the local paper about breastfeeding and good nutrition. It was finally published in the paper yesterday. You can check it out online here:

The one in the paper included a little more like a recipe and some other things. But it is still cool!


  1. Isn't it amazing what a little sunshine can do for the spirit!!! Looks like you had a fun day! Love all your spring decorations too!

  2. Congrats on the article--thanks for sharing!!! Love the decorations. What fun!

  3. We were so glad for the warmer weather too! We spent as much time as possible outside yesterday. Great job on the article! That is awesome! I just started a blog- I've been trying to get it set up for a while and finally got it all up tonight!
