Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Spring Day & Reminders of Greece

I guess after such a bad winter I am just enjoying this spring so much more than usual! Everyday is just wonderful. We enjoyed some fun time outside like we have just about everyday for the last couple of weeks. It was great!
Kate chilling in her stroller!

Ben playing some football. He has done amazing with his recovery. We had a little setback tonight with some bleeding but hopefully we have that under control now. Daddy got home and quickly joined in the fun!

Then did some grilling!

We had the most amazing dinner tonight! Mediterranean beef kabobs with rice, grilled veggies and pineapple. It was great! It took both Matt and I back to our trip to Greece 4 years ago. This was the kind of wonderful food we got to eat every night while we were there. It made us think about our amazing trip...

So much fun. Wish we could go back right now! Oh well. We will have to settle for playtime in the backyard. Hopefully one day soon we will make it back that way. Until then we will just enjoy reminders and the amazing food.


  1. yum! we have kabobs on this weeks menu too!!! :) the spring weather is nice, huh? glad ben is doing well too!!!

  2. We are also loving the weather!!! I am so glad Ben is doing well! Kabobs sound good!!!

  3. Dinner looks yummy!!! What a great trip to Greece.

  4. Wow, great post! We really do think alike :)! I would love to visit Greece someday too. ~Jess
