Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Eckley Family Beach Trip 2010 Edition

We got back late yesterday afternoon from a long weekend beach trip with the Eckley family. Matt's parents, brother and sister-in-law met us down at Matt's family's condo last Thursday. It was a wonderful trip full of lots of great memories. It was fun just getting to relax with family. The kids did awesome on the trip. It is amazing how well they travel. We made it all the way to Owassa (exit 107 if you know where that is on 65) on the way down before we had to stop. That is like 5 hours. Awesome!!! We are so lucky to have such good travelers.

If you know much about our beach trips then you know that they can't just be full of fun. There has to be something crazy that goes on. If you go back to the posts in August of 2008 you can read about a couple of really bad trips. We have had tropical storms, broken vans, no air conditioning, no hot water, etc. You name it we have probably experienced it on our beach trips. This one was no different...

Yep, we had to deal with the massive gulf oil spill. It never reached the beaches while we were there thank goodness! We are really praying it is not too bad. It would be terrible if the beaches were messed up. The gulf beaches are amazing!! We also had to have a little car trouble. Our van battery just died. Thankfully it was as we were pulling into the condo on Thursday night (it would have been really bad if it was in Owassa). The van had to be towed to Daphne to be fixed so that took up a lot of Friday. But after that it was all good. Yes we bought this van new to avoid any more troubles on trips. Didn't help. I think we are just destined to have bad luck on beach trips. But still it was an awesome trip. Here is the weekend in pictures...

Thursday on the way down we stopped at Lamerts (Home of the throwed rolls) for dinner. Ben loved it! Kate did too! She is into everything these days if you can't tell.
Friday morning we were up and out to the beach! It was super windy all weekend but the sun was out and it felt great. Kate loved the wind. Look at her hair!!! She loved hanging with Uncle Brett.
Ben didn't like the beach and sand as usual. He was happy if Aunt Joanna was holding him though.

Warming up to the idea of the beach. Notice no one else is even on the beach!

Kate loved napping on the beach. Each day when we would go out she was settle in and take a long nap bundled up in the sand.

He really started to actually enjoy the sand!! Breakthrough moment!
And the waves!

Kate was ready to hit the pool. She looked so cute in all her swimsuits!

Kate loved the pool. It was really cold so she didn't stay in for long. She is going to have a blast this summer.
Ben continues to be part fish. He jumped right into the water.

Friday night we headed out to dinner at Cosmos which is one of our favorite places to eat. The whole family together (and we all look good except Kate).

Saturday it was back to the beach and pool. Ben was over the beach by this point. He wanted nothing to do with it. I don't think we are ever going to get him to like the sand.
The waves were huge!!

Family picture on the beach!

Ben did find a happy spot. Lounging by the pool.

He is a pool man - not a beach man!

Kate loved the pool too. Here she is sporting her bikini. Matt said this will be her first and last one!

Saturday night we headed out to dinner at the Hangout. Good food and lots of fun. Ben loved the giant pile of sand to play in.

Family picture that is halfway decent!
We then went to "The Track" for some fun gamming and go karts!
My personal favorite is "Deal or No Deal!"

Ben had a blast!
Sunday we didn't torture Ben by making him go to the beach. We spent the morning at the pool. The water was cold but the boys braved it!
The girls enjoyed the sun
Sunday night we had dinner at Tacky Jacks right across the street from the condo. Kate was really wanting my water!
It was a great trip!! We can't wait to go back in August for a whole week. This trip was special though because of all the family time.


  1. looks like you had a great time! Makes it more real since we were there with you guys!! Wish we were at the beach right now!!!
    Kate looks cute in her little swimming suits!!!!

  2. Since we've moved away and can't ask "How was the trip?" at class on Sunday, this is the perfect post for me. Glad everything went weller than you thought it would.

  3. Looks like so much fun!!!! Glad there wasn't too much drama, oil spill and dead battery aside. ;-)

  4. Oh how fun! That is crazy that y'all have had such bad luck with your beach trips. I'll never forget your story from a couple of years ago when your van broke down, etc. Maybe this means your trips will start to get better from here :)

  5. Great photos, thanks for posting these! Too bad we didn't run into you down there. Julia and Kate could pose together in their bikinis :). Love the pic of Ben at the pool. Gabe had hardly any issues with the sand this year, maybe Ben will grow out of it soon too. ~Jess
