Monday, May 31, 2010

Holiday Weekend???

I can't believe it has been almost 4 days since I posted. That is the longest I have gone this year without a post. I think I just needed a break. Or actually we have just been so busy I haven't had time to sit at the computer.
Hope you all are having a wonderful Memorial Day. Such a great holiday to remember all of those who have given their lives for our freedom. Around the Eckley house we sometimes forget it is a holiday. Matt works just about all holidays so they are just any other day (hence the questions marks on the title of the post). We have had a busy fun weekend!

Friday Ben went and played golf with my dad. They had a good time. Ben was not a fan of the hot weather. More of a cool weather kind of golfer. Friday night the 4 of us went out to dinner at Outback. It was so yummy!! It was the first time we had been out to eat in several weeks (a record for us).

Saturday morning was super busy. We headed out for our normal bagel run at Panera. We then made several stops including at Kidspace, the library, Earth Fare (a new earthy type grocery store in town - I was not very impressed) and Old Navy (got some good clothing deals for Kate and Matt). It was a fun time of being together as a family getting some things done! We then went to dinner at our neighbor's house. We are so blessed to have some of the most awesome neighbors! It was a great time of fun food and fellowship.

Sunday morning was church which is always great. We went to lunch with a group of friends which was super fun! Then we went over to Kelly and Andrew's house for dinner. My grandmother (GG) and Aunt Lisa were in town visiting. It was great to spend the evening catching up with them. Ben loves being around them so much!
Today Matt worked and then kids and I had a busy day. We went and had breakfast at my parent's house with GG and Aunt Lisa. We then went swimming at Kelly and Andrew's neighborhood pool. It is an awesome pool and we were the only ones there!! Then we did some painting projects. Matt just got home and we are hanging out as a family! Fun times!!! It has been a busy 4 days!!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had a great weekend! We have been busy too - I have kept up with our blog, but now I'm way behind on reading all the other blogs! ~Jess
