Friday, May 14, 2010

Week in Review

Since all my blog posts this week have been about our weekend, I thought I would do one last one for the week about what all we did for the rest of the week. It is amazing to me how busy we stay. There always seems to be something to do or somewhere to go. Such fun times!!

On Tuesday we went to Kidventure with Eli, Micah and Isaac. The big boys had a blast playing!

Kate managed to get a nap in somehow with all the noise.

Isaac and Kate also had a good time playing with each other. They are at that age where they babbled to each other and wanted to touch each other. It was so cute. Isaac was a little more interested in Kate than she was in him.

Kate started sitting up pretty good this week. She still has the "drunken sailor" look at times but will sit up for about a minute or so before she takes a tumble. I have also started using her bows functionally to pull the hair out of her eyes.
Ben had fun at school on Wednesday and Friday as always. Next week is his last week before summer. He is going to miss school so much (and so am I!!) But summer will be fun. Here he is with a bucket on his head. I don't know why he thought this was so much fun but he did.

He is working on riding his bike and trike.
Kate enjoyed playing us some music. She "talks" non stop these days so she is not crying in the picture she is just in mid-sentence.

Thursday we went to the library with Jessica and Genevieve. The kids had fun playing and reading books.
We then had a picnic lunch in the park. Kate loved the sunshine!
Ben has never met a stranger. He met 3 kids who were there at the park as well and they played for about 20 minutes together. He loves to play and it doesn't matter who with!
Matt and Ben did some yard mowing!

It was a great week. We are so blessed. I love that the weather is so nice. We were outside just about every evening. One night we were outside playing with the kids and I looked at Matt and said "Life doesn't get any better than this does it?" It truly doesn't. I pray that we can hold onto these wonderful times as a family!
We have an exciting weekend coming up. We are hosting a Life Group social at a park near our house (at our house if it rains). So that will be a blast! Never a dull moment with us!

1 comment:

  1. Love all the pictures! You do stay busy, for sure! Fun times!
