Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Curly Hair???

Before Kate was born, we often joked that she would have stick straight hair. And we wondered those first few months since her hair was so straight if it would stay that way. Not so much!! In the last few weeks it has just gotten more and more curly. On really humid days the ends really start to kick up. I think we can officially call her curly headed. I really wonder if Matt and I could produce a child that doesn't have curly hair?? See what you think of it...

We had a great day today. We enjoyed a great long play date with our friends the Hancocks. The older kids played and the babies and mommies visited. Lots of fun! Then this afternoon Ben had swimming lessons. He is still doing so awesome. I was helping the teacher out today by sitting near the class to help in case anyone fell in the water (I guess I was supposed to dive in and save the kid in my clothes holding Kate). Being so close allowed me to see Ben in action. He listens so closely to Miss Rae and does everything she says. I am so proud of him!


  1. yep, looks like she is curling up! Too cute!!! I've been wondering about Abby's hair. It looked super curly when she was born, but now its pretty straight. But after it gets washed its looking like it might want to curl back up! I LOVE curly hair!!!!!

  2. Love those curls - she's such a cutie! This morning I spotted what might turn into some curls at the nape of Julia's neck, her hair is still too short to tell yet... ~Jess
