Saturday, June 5, 2010

A Quick Saturday Update

Just a quick update. Why do weekends go so much quicker than weekdays? I can't believe it is already Saturday night. We have had a great weekend so far. Yesterday we spent several hours at the pool. It was my first time to take both kids by myself. They both did great and had fun. We stayed for 3 hours so I thought that was pretty good. Last night we took dinner to some friends who just had a new baby. Baby Rivers was so beautiful and tiny!! I can't believe that not to long ago Kate was that size. I came home and thought Kate looked so big!

Today has been fun. We went and had bagels this morning and then ran some errands. Matt and Ben spent some time at the pool this afternoon working on swimming with Ben. He is doing so good. Tonight Matt's parents came over for dinner. Matt cooked some yummy burgers. So it has been a great weekend already. I just wish it was longer! Here are some pictures of the kiddos...

I finally broke down and did something I swore I would never do. I let Ben have a Pop Tart for breakfast yesterday. He didn't like it so I guess I don't have to worry about him wanting more!

Ben has been doing so well with the potty training. He was able to get all 3 of his chipmunks as a reward. We went 2 days without an accident. Today we have had a little setback but still he is doing so good. He is a huge chipmunk fan. He loves Alvin and the Chipmunks and Chip and Dale. I don't know what the deal is with chipmunks. And lastly - Sweet Kate and her hair in pigtails. Yep I did it. I put it in pigtails today. She looked so cute!


  1. LOVE the pigtails!!!!!! too cute!!! glad you have had a great weekend at the pool and with family! i am ready for life to get to normal around here!!!!

  2. So ADORABLE!!! Glad Ben is making progress!!! ~Jess

  3. Love the pigtails on Kate! Precious!
