Friday, July 16, 2010

8 Months Old!!!

It is hard to believe another month has flown by!! Our sweet baby Kate is 8 months old. How exciting. I really do think this is one of the most fun ages. She just keeps growing and changing right before our eyes. Good thing I am already working on that first birthday because it will be here before we know it! Here is what Miss Kate is up to at 8 months:
  • Kate, you are the best baby ever (I know I am your mom and I am supposed to say that but it is true). You have the sweetest little personality. You are fun and loving all at the same time. You love to "talk." I would actually call it more of yelling. It is making sounds at the top of your lungs. It is a little over powering at times but so cute. No real words yet except an occasional "hi" which you will say while waving which is a new trick. You love to laugh and will laugh at almost anything. You are also a snuggler. Your favorite time to snuggle is right after you wake up. I love it!!
  • You are a girl on the brink of being on the move. You will get up on all fours and rock and try to crawl but haven't quite got it yet. You are so close. You will roll any where you want to get and inch worm crawl. You are also pulling to a stand. You will pull up on anything you can. There actually isn't much you can pull up on because you are so short. When you stand you are starting to "cruise" a little bit. If your crawling takes much longer you might walk before you crawl. I am not looking forward to you being mobile.
  • Your absolute favorite thing to do is EAT!!! You love it. You have pretty much had a taste of all foods now. We will break you off whatever we are eating and you love it all. Ben said today that "Kate eats everything!!" It is true. You don't care what it is as long as it is food. If you are fussy I can just put some food in front of you and you are good! You still nurse 3-4 times a day (or take a bottle) and eat 3 meals a day as well. Did I mention you love to eat! I don't know what your favorite food is because you get excited about them all.
  • Well Miss Kate you are still little bitty. I weighed you today and you are 15 pounds 12 ounces. 1/2 a pound in a month. Still at the 8th%ile. But you are just so dainty that you don't look so small. Still in size 2 diapers (not for much longer though) and 6-9 month clothes. You are still so beautiful. The number one comment we get when we are out is that you look like a china doll. I think it is a funny comment but we get it all the time.
  • You love to play. You will grab anything you can get your hands on. You have good eye hand coordination these days so we have to be careful what we put near you because everything goes straight to your mouth. Your favorite person is still Ben. He makes you smile all the time. You guys have become big buddies this month and are really starting to play together. He even asked to hold you today!
  • The past month has been full of fun adventures. Lots of fun playdates and new friends. We have spent lots of time outside and at the pool. You love to swim. We are trying to teach you to float and kick your legs. Not much longer and you will be able to do it!
  • Oh you still sleep great! You go to bed at 8 and sleep until 7 or 7:30. You take a 2 hour nap in the morning and a 2 hour nap in the afternoon. YEA!!!! We couldn't ask for a better sleeper (all that praying I did payed off).

Wow! What a fun little girl. Time is flying and we are loving every minute of it. Happy 8 month birthday pretty girl!


  1. I think she he looks a lot like Ben in that second to last picture, I mean other than the dark brown hair! It's so neat that you, LeeAnn, and I are all posting monthly updates about our little girls!

  2. She is just the cutest thing ever! I LOVE her hair!! It is just like Olivia's at that age!
