Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Fabulous 4th!!!

It has been a wonderful couple of days so I haven't had a free moment to sit down and post about our great 4th of July weekend! It was most excellent!!! Full of fun, family, friends, food and fireworks (how many f words can I come up with???)

Sunday started with a great worship service. Then we had a blast getting together with some friends, family and neighbors. I have found some awesome party blogs lately so I got in my head that I wanted to do some fun party things. And I did!! It was so much fun to just fire up the grill and hang with everyone. We set up some fun water activities for the kids and they had a blast! It really was an awesome day. Just like the 4ths I remember growing up.

After all our guests left the weather was perfect so we sat outside and watched the fireworks down the street. They were pretty cool. Ben loved them. So much better than last year!! Sadly Matt had to work on Monday but we did get to have another celebration last night. We got together with my family plus our wonderful friends the Phillips over at Kelly and Andrew's pool. It was fun to hang out with my family and also visit with Jeana, Keri and Andrew! We love them like they are family. We were talking about how we have been friends for over 12 years. They just moved back from Texas so we are so excited they are back!

This picture makes me feel really old! Andrew who is about to turn 13 was the ring bearer in our wedding. Now he is playing with our kids!

1 comment:

  1. Did you use the fill-a-bowl? That would have been a great decoration! :)
