Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Happy Day for Kate!!

I think I have mentioned a time or two (or 20) about how much Kate loves to eat. Today is a super happy day for her - SHE GOT A TOOTH!!!!!!!!! YEA!!!! She had been fussy for the last couple of days and I chalked it up to she was frustrated with not being able to crawl. She is trying so hard and just can't do it so she cries a lot. When Matt got home she was fussing so he stuck his finger in her mouth to check for teeth and sure enough there was one!!! Little edge of the first one broke through. Exciting stuff! I think there are going to be several more to follow really soon. She is going to wear those little teeth out with all the eating she does. I caught some great pictures of her at dinner tonight...

Yes I know the bow is big but hey we live in the South and aren't they supposed to be big! Just as a funny note... Here is what the table looked like under her highchair when she got done.
I had forgotten how messy babies can be with their food. With Ben we had to put down a clear plastic shower curtain liner to protect the floor. Then we could just hose it off and we were good to go. I am thinking we are going to have to get it back out!! Thought I would share Kate's big news!


  1. YAY! Cutting teeth is no fun for baby or momma :( She'll be happy with all the eating that she can do though ;)

  2. Yay Kate! I like the bow and the bib. :)

  3. Wow, she's such a good eater! Julia still hates food and cries when I try to give her some. She doesn't even like the stage 3 baby food if it has lumps in it. I am beginning to wonder if she will be eating in time to have some of her first birthday cake! ~Jess
