Friday, July 23, 2010


That is all I can say right now. It is really really hot outside. Today it hit 100 degrees. It is rough out there. I mean you walk outside and you just about melt. Staying inside is about all you can do. We did venture out for a playdate at the park with my co worker Desiree and her two kiddos, Kempton and Kathryn. We thought we would go early and try to beat some of the heat. 9 am when we met it was already 85 degrees. The kids had a wonderful time going on an "adventure" (exploring the woods next to the park). I had a great time catching up with Dez. We work together but don't often see each other so it was nice to catch up. It was a fun time although it was a little sweaty. Then I needed to run a few errands to finish getting ready for my big talk tonight at Girl's Night Out. It is not fun to run errands in 100 degree weather with 2 kids. I was drenched in sweat by the time we got home. I stripped Kate of all her clothes and she is napping in her diaper. I just laid under the fan for a while! Gotta stay cool. Don't think we will be going outside again anytime soon.

We did find a fun way to beat the heat last night. We went to Point Mallard, a waterpark in the next town, with our friends the Mobleys and Johnsons. It was 1/2 price night so we enjoyed 4 hours of cool fun. It actually wasn't too bad in the water. The kids had a blast running and playing in the fun water things and the wave pool. Matt took Ben on one of the really big water slides. Ben loved it until the end when he fell out of the intertube and went underwater. He was only under for a few seconds before the lifeguard got him but he was pretty traumatized. He didn't sleep well last night. I think he was dreaming about drowning. Other than that a great time was had by all!! Here are a few pictures (they were taken with Matt's phone so they are not the best quality)...

1 comment:

  1. We had a blast when we went last week! It's something we will definitely be doing aging before the summer is over!!
