Wednesday, July 14, 2010


We had a good Wednesday around the Eckley house. It was actually a low key day. We don't seem to have those very often. This morning I had a "mother's helper" come over and watch the kiddos while I got some long overdue housework done. Then my friend Krissy came over for lunch which was awesome! I love visiting with friends. Tonight we went to the pool. Good times!

So I am still horrible at videos. We have 2 video cameras and I still can't remember to take any video. I am a bad mom! Here are a couple of videos of the kids doing some funny things. The first one is Ben dancing. The second one is of Kate laughing. There is no sweeter sound in the world than a baby laughing. I was tickling her and she was cracking up! Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. You aren't a bad mom! You are just a busy mom, just like me! Kevin has bought me several kinds of video cameras over the past few years, hoping that one would magically inspire me to use them ;)
