Thursday, August 5, 2010

Happy Birthday Mema!!!

Today is my sweet mother-in-law's birthday!! She is a great person - super sweet and willing to do anything for us. My kiddos love their Mema! She was leaving to go down to the beach today so we celebrated her birthday a little early. We met for lunch yesterday at PF Chang's. We love PF Chang's but don't usually go because Ben doesn't like the food so we were a little nervous. It was a wonderful experience. Ben is being adventurous these days and trying new things so he loved his Chinese chicken. We had a great time celebrating with Mema. We were leaving and Ben asked where the cake was because it is not a birthday without cake. Happy Birthday Mema/Mom/Sandy!

Kate enjoyed the chopsticks!
Ben mastered the art of the chopsticks. We were very impressed. He loved dipping his chicken in the sauce and eating it. He even ate the green beans they serve. I am telling you - he is trying all sorts of new things!
Mema and Ben. Note the hounds tooth jewelry she is wearing. That is what we gave her as a gift. It took a lot out of me to give it to her but I did because I love her!
Mema and the kids - sorry the picture is bad. It was noon outside in the bright sunshine. Rough to take pictures in.
Love this picture!!

1 comment:

  1. The houndstooth jewelry is a great idea! I know it took a lot for you to give it to her. :) I agree - the last picture looks great.
