Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Dear Sweet Ben,
You Ben turn 3 1/2 today. For some reason that just sounds old to me. It goes right along with you these days. You are so grown up looking and acting.

Some things you love these days:
  • Asking questions - All I hear all day long is "What is this?" What does that say?"
  • Playing Rescue Heroes and Batman
  • Making funny noises
  • Reading books
  • Preschool
  • Your best buddies - Micah and Evan
  • Your sister. Every night you ask to take a bath with her. You are always checking to see what she is doing. You have even started holding her and picking her up.
  • Going places - Every morning you wake up and ask where we are going today! You are a very social little guy.
  • Watching TV - Your 2 favorite shows right now are Arthur and Word Girl.
  • Telling silly jokes
  • Pretending to be different characters in movies/TV shows/cartoons
  • Chicken nuggets, fries and lemonade! This is what you ask for whenever we are eating out!
  • Fruit
  • Chocolate milk
  • Being more independent and doing things for yourself
  • Church
  • Your Jesus Storybook Bible - You love your time each night reading and learning more about Jesus

Things You Do NOT Love:

  • Waking up and seeing your daddy has gone to work. You get sad every morning when I tell you he is at work.
  • Rest time
  • Climbing up on things that are high
  • Most foods except for the things you love
  • Being cooped up in the house for a long time
  • Being called "baby"
  • Being corrected on how to say something
  • Cleaning your room - you are a messy little guy!

Words I Would Use to Describe You:

  • Funny
  • Curious
  • Handsome
  • Loving
  • Tender hearted
  • Imaginative
  • Joyful
  • Smart
  • Busy

You are just a joy to have as a son! Your daddy and I talk daily about how blessed we are to be able to be your parents. Our prayer is that we can raise you as God would have us to. We see your tender heart as you discover the things of God. We pray that you continue to be open to them and to God as He leads you! Thank you for being so wonderful!

I love you,

Your Mommy

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