Monday, September 20, 2010

Some Exciting Finishes

So there were a couple of exciting finishes around our house this weekend. First off - the Auburn/Clemson game!! Woo Hoo! That one was a crazy one. We had a busy Saturday so we just hung out at home watching the game after the kiddos went to bed (DVR is wonderful for football and kids - you can pause live TV!!). Auburn came from behind and won in a very dramatic fashion that is so typical of Auburn. Needless to say we were on the edge of our seats. When the kicker missed the field goal in overtime, Matt jumped up and hit either his hand or head (we aren't sure) into the wall leaving a nice sized dent. Yes my sweet mild mannered husband dented our wall...

He was a little embarrassed by his actions! I think it is funny. Now we have to figure out how to fix the wall.
The other big finish was the playset!!! We so thought it was going to be a several week project but Matt and his dad cranked the thing out and finished it in ONE day!!!!! So exciting!! Yesterday afternoon after naps the kiddos got to play on it for the first time. So much fun.

This was more to show of Kate's cute smocked cheerleader dress...

It is so awesome!!! The first thing Ben asked me this morning when he woke up was if he could go play on "his playground." So fun!! Thank you so much Mema and Opa!!! We are going to spend hours on it.

Sunday night we got to do something a little crazy. We went to a dinner party hosted by the doctor Matt works with at the St. Jude clinic. She and her husband recently moved here from California and they were featured on the HGTV show "House Hunters." They had over a million dollar budget to buy a house in Huntsville. It was a fun show to watch and see which house they picked. They picked a house that is actually in our neighborhood (the much nicer and more expensive end of our neighborhood). So we got to go check out the house yesterday. It was even better than it looked on TV. It was HUGE!!! There were so many big rooms. The party was lots of fun and we enjoyed just gawking at the house. I forgot to take a picture of the house when we arrived so I stole this tiny picture off the internet.

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