Sunday, October 10, 2010


Since the "fun" number days don't come around all that often, I thought I would make it my title for the day. We had a fun weekend. They all seem to be fun. I am thankful for weekends and the down time they bring. We had a good time Friday night hanging with the Johnsons! Always a good time to play some games. Kim and I learned that we are the same person in different bodies. : )

Saturday Matt had to work. Booo! But we made the best of it. The kids and I were lazy in the morning. Stayed in our PJs late which was great. Then Ben got to go to a Spiderman birthday party for his friend Jonah! He was so excited. He loves Spiderman and him and Jonah have gotten to be great buddies lately. The party was so much fun. Hollie did a great job with everything. So many creative ideas.

Enjoying some trampoline time. Amazing Spiderman cookies Hollie made!
Yummy blue Spiderman cupcakes!
Each kid got some silly string to play like they were Spiderman shooting their web. So cute!

Checking out the gifts with the birthday boy!
Pinata time!
After we all got home we enjoyed watching some football in the afternoon. Always enjoy that!! Then my parents and Kelly and Andrew came over to watch the Auburn game. We all live withing 5 miles of each other but this was the first time we had all been together since the beginning of August. 2 months is too long to go! We have all just been so busy. So it was great to finally get together and enjoy some time together! We ate some yummy nachos and ice cream sundaes. The game was a nail biter. Why does Auburn do that to us? Can't we just enjoy the game and win big? Oh well. At least we won!
Today was church and lunch with friends. Always good! We are excited to get the week started. It will be back to the regular routine which will be great. Looking forward to that.

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